Friday 2 December 2011

getting so active..

December 1st already, I can't believe how fast Jamin is growing up, and changing in so many ways. I love watching him discover life, and all the interesting things it brings. Tummy time is becoming a frequent thing, rolling over, laughing, talking, he's becoming his own little person more and more each passing day.... I can see crawling coming just around the corner!!
 Kujo didn't want to miss out on this fun set up.. can ya blame him..
 a little frusterated
 camera discovery
 give that to me mom
maybe i can get the shadow instead.


  1. Such cute pics!! I can't believe he is half a year old! Hr has brought so much fun to our family!!!

  2. he is soooo cute! He's really growing up fast too! I can't believe it! :0
